JWT Authentication is an authentication protocol that enables passwordless authentication and improves the basic authentication scheme used in Niagara.

To start using the JWT authentication scheme: Download the btibAuth module from the website.

Signing Key

  1. Go to the CertManager of the station (not in the platform)

  2. Generate a server key by clicking on "New" in the User Key Store manager and filling the required information according to your project:

Set up the Authentication Scheme

  1. Go to the btibAuth palette.
  2. Drag&Drop the JwtAuthenticationScheme to Services → AuthenticationService → AuthenticationSchemes
  3. Select the Token Signing Cert

    Since the 4.13, certificates can now have passwords, the slots in the JwteAuthenticationScheme have been adapted so you can enter the password

  4. Create a user and set its authentication scheme to JWT Authentication Scheme.

Access APIs

  1. Make sure, the API Servlet is added to the web service from the linksperConsole palette or the btibAPI palette.

  2. Generate an access token (Don't forget to specify the header)
    1. Using the form encoded mime type.

    2. Or using the JSON mime type.

  3. Then you will get an access token for this user (keep it safe). 

  4. Now use the token in a bearer authorization header to access BTIB APIs or any Niagara based APIs.

  5. Then you should get a response like this.