
The Writable Http Config is very similar to the HttpConfig. It will be automatically added depending on the context. The Http Config contains all the possible parameters of an HTTP request. Read the article: HTTP and Web APIs, for more details on the protocol.

Several Http Configs are present in a RestNetwork tree. All three of the RestNetworkRestQueryFolder and RestQuery have an Http Config in their properties.

The Http Config of RestQuery has highest priority, and all parameters that are entered will be written in the HTTP request. The order of priority decreases towards the RestNetwork. There are some peculiarities with the Headers and the Success Conditions, (see below).

The main difference with the HttpConfig is the presence of a customVariables slot.


  • Headers: Contains a list of headers. Headers are {name : value} pairs, but this value may be a list. To create a list of values, simply create multiple headers with the same name and set their Override property to false. The priority mechanism works provided this property is true. If it is false for all headers of the same name, then they will all be grouped as a list.
  • Parameters: Contains a list of parameters to insert at the end of the URL. Lists here are not managed as they are for headers. Furthermore, if two parameters with different names are entered at two levels (RestNetwork and RestQuery for example), then both parameters will be added to the query.
  • Success Conditions: Contains a list of the success conditions for the query, (see Conditions).
  • Authentication: Contains a single authentication policy. Currently only basic authentication is provided for, (see Authentications).
  • Default Variables: Contains a list of default variables. It only has the writeValue for now, which is the writeValue of the parent ProxyExt. (If the value is a String it won't be put between double quotes)
  • Custom Variables: Contains a list of custom variables:
    • The left part is the name of your variable
    • The right part is the value you want to retrieve. The SFormat will allow to get almost any value you need. The SFormat origin will be resolved from the Writable Http Config itself.
  • Hostname: Stores the host name or IP address of the server to contact. Example: or 192.168. 5.215
  • Query: This is the part of the URL after the host name. Example: /api/resource/temp/1Protocol: Chooses the communication protocol, which can be HTTP or HTTPS.
  • Method: Chooses the HTTP method to perform the query, which can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
  • Port: Chooses the port used. The standard port is 80  for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. This doesnot need to be entered if the standard ports are used.
  • Body: Contains the body content.
  • Cache: Allows choice of whether the RestNetwork should use cached queries or should request  renewal of the resource. For APIs, it is preferable to leave this property as false.
  • Timeout: Specifies the waiting time to link to the server and retrieve the content.  Be aware that the response time of a request depends on the speed of the network. This property has priority over the timeout slot of the RestNetwork. It is advisable to enter a value.

(warning) Dynamic properties must be added or removed using the actions below.


  • Add Overriding Property: Allows one of the dynamic properties above to be added.
  • Remove Overriding Property: Allows one of the dynamic properties above to be deleted.