
The Excel tools can be used to add relations between components. The direction accepts two values: inRel or outRel (if there is no direction, outRel is the default value). The relation Id must follow the syntax dictionnary:key

  • from the component in the row to the components in the cell if the direction is outRel
  • from the components in the cell to the component in the row if the direction is inRel

You can create multiple relations to different components with the same relation Id, just put the components separated by a semicolon in the cell.


In the example below, one relation is defined with 4 syntaxes:

  • With an id (An AHU was created before with the id #AHU_01)
  • With a variable (its a path $AHU_01Path=slot:/Drivers/Bacnet/AHU_01)
  • A relative ord (very handy when you need to create relative logic with the Excel)
  • An absolute path.

Columns syntax

  • direction:Relation id

Accepted values

  • Id

  • Variable

  • Relative slot path

  • Absolute slot path

If the relative path goes all the way back to the station, we will encode the path using a lower priority encoding method (here an Absolute SlotPath)

Try it yourself !

Here is the file used in the above import example. Download it, try importing it and see the result.



 In order to not repeat information, if an inRel column and an outRel column match the same relation, the information will only be written in the outRel Column.

Relations coming from a SourceRelation won't be exported in this column, see Define source relations (Active-Framework)