
You can use the Excel file to set a network, a device or a point address. Most of the open protocols are handled. You can see all the supported components and the modifiable slots in the ~Address Help sheet.


A few addresses are set below for devices and points.

Columns syntax

Give a name for the column on the first line (like "Address") and define three subcolumns (line 3) with these exact names:

  • address1

  • address2

  • address3

Accepted values

  • Values according to the ~Address Help Sheet depending of the added component type

You can export some  already adressed components to check the syntax.


Adresses will be updated even if they are already set in the station. If no value is provided, the value in the station won't be modified.


If there are less SubColumns than necessary (you don’t have to put all three SubColumns), SubColumns will be added automatically.


More protocols may be handled in the future. If you want a specific one, ask it on the forum.

Try it yourself !

Here is the file used in the above example, with some comments inside. Download it, try importing it and see the result.