
You can set facets of a point with a dedicated column.

You have two ways for defining facets

  • Using the simplified notation
  • Using templates and the dedicated manager (recommended)


Using the simplified notation

It’s a simplified syntax for facets where you specify pairs of key=value separated by semi columns:

  • For units, you just need to put the unit symbol, and you don’t have to put the unit for the number values and the range.
  • For booleans, add a b: 
  • For strings, add s: 
  • For Reltime add r:
  • For Integer add i:

Example: units=€;precision=2;range=aaphp:AaPhpDataTypesEnum;allowNull=b:true;falseText=s:falseText. The string values are unescaped at the export and escaped at the import, so you can write unescaped values in the cells.

You can put a facet into a variable in the dedicated part of the ~Variables Sheet

Simply call then $temp

Using the facets manager in the templates

The facets manager is located in the facets.bog in the Workbench User Home (shared/excel/templates). You can just double-click on the facets.bog file to display it. This manager allows you to create, edit and delete FacetsComponents.

To reuse those facets simply set the cell value to the path to the FacetsComponent.


To use the temperature FacetsComponent, simply call temperature in the cell.

Since the 46.17, the "facets/" prefix is not needed anymore to target a component in the facets.bog

Example of syntaxes



Columns syntax

Create a column and give the name "Facets". There is no need for subcolumns.

Accepted values (by priority during the export)

  • Variable

  • Path to a template (in the facets.bog)

  • Encoded facet value

Try it yourself !

Here is the file used in the above import example. Download it, try importing it and see the result.

For the third syntax, you will need to create a FacetComponent named temperature in the facets.bog (located in your "User Home" in the shared/excel/templates folder).
