
You can use Vanilla Niagara templates (.ntpl) to create components in the station. The key advantage from the Active-Pro template (which is just a bog file) is the possibility of enjoying all the features provided by the templates: update on the fly, views, files dependency etc. You can use the columns for links, relations and slots to parametrize the deployment of the template.

To use Niagara templates, that's super easy, in the template column (the second one), use the prefix ntpl: and give the path to your templates. the path is evaluated from the templates folder in the user home. Example: C:/Users/xxx/Niagara4.6/tridium/templates

There is no need for the “.ntpl“ in the cell value.


Example: You have a AAC20.ntpl file inside a folder called "bacnet" in your templates folder. You can use the template by setting the cell value to”ntpl:bacnet/AAC20”

Then you can use the {updateTemplate} action to update your template on import. See Trigger actions on import.