Sends the point's history records.


You must setup a RealTimeConnector, a parent Device with a DeviceExt and a Point with a PointExt. The point must have a historyExtension with some values. Only the first historyExtension will be taken into account.
The point's record will be sent in response to a Send_History command.
The destination is specified in the connector's advanced config. 

  "startTimestamp": "2023-05-02T12:27:10.002+02:00",
  "endTimestamp": "null",
  "deviceId": "Drivers_v0TcRUdzOov3pmxw3usqt",
  "pointId": "NumericWritable_b0TcRUgX0begbbieI3BrI",
  "trendsFlags": "0",
  "status": "{ok}",
  "value": 50.57102966308594,
  "count": null,
  "min": null,
  "max": null,
  "avg": null,
  "sum": null

this template is configurable in the connector advanced config.

The template includes aggregated data to handle the values returned by a rollup record. Feel free to remove then if you don't work with a rollup (or with rollup = none)