
The IFCModelImportParams is used to configure the import of models from an IFC document.


  1. Drag and drop the component from the palette to an IFCModelImporter.
  2. Select the definition into which you want to import your models.
  3. Fill the IdFormat and displayNameFormat slots. Use the SFormat methods dedicated to the IFC to extract data from the file  
  4. (Optional) Fill the TagsFormat slot to extract tags from the file
  5. Fill the ImportOnConditionContainer to target IFCObjects to import.


  • Enabled:  Enables / disables the component.
  • Defintion: The Definition in which the IFCObjects will be imported
  • DisplayNameFormat: The SFormat used to extract the DisplayName value.
  • TagsFormat: This slot allows to import multiple tags. The first slot will be the name of the tag, the second one will be its type and the last one is the SFormat used to extract the value from the file.
  • InRelationsFormat: This slot allows to import multiple in relations. The first slot is the id of the relation and the last one is the SFormat used to extract the value from the file.
  • OutRelationsFormat: This slot allows to import multiple out relations. The first slot is the id of the relation and the last one is the SFormat used to extract the value from the file.
  • CreateOrphans: Determines whether orphans nodes will be imported.
  • IndexDuplicates: If set to true, adds an index at the end of duplicate displayNames.
  • OnRemoteDeletePolicy: Determines which action will be triggered at the end of the import on a Node which was the result of a previous import and which doesn't exist anymore.
  • ImportOnConditionContainer: Slot containing all the ImportOnCondition targeting which components to import.

  • PredicateFormat: SFormat which allows to target the Node to update. If the result of the SFormat doesn't match any existing Node, the IFCObject is ignored.
  • AscendantsPredicateFormat: SFormat which allows to target the parent Node. If the result of the SFormat match an existing Node, the currrently imported Node will be "moved" inside the ascendant (a b:isIn relation will be added).