
IoTHub Connector it is the component which is responsible for managing connection, sending and receiving messages from Azure IoTHub in a Niagara station.

This component is a RealTimeConnector, this page will only contain information specific to this component.


  • Drag and drop the RealTimeConnector to Services > Btib Service > External Connectors > Realtime Connectors.
  • Fill the IoTHubConnectionString slot with the value copied during Step 1 Set up IoTHub on Azure.
  • Enable the connector. It is also possible to ping the Connector to check if it works.


  • IoT Hub Connection String : The connection string used to access iot hub.
  • Declare Points As Modules : create an iot hub module for each point.
  • IoT Hub Size : The size tier of your iot hub instance.
  • Number Of Unit : The number of iot hub units.