
The RealTimeConnector is the responsible for managing the connection to the remote service.


  • Drag and drop the RealTimeConnector from the palette (btibAWS, btibIotHub, etc) to Services > Btib Service > External Connectors > Realtime Connectors.
  • Fill the adequate fields. Each RealTimeConnector will have its specific fields.
  • Enable the connector. It is also possible to ping the Connector to check if it works.


  • LogExt:  See LogExt.
  • Status : Connection status.
  • Enabled : Enable/Disable the component.
  • Fault Cause : The error message status.
  • Health: Status of the connector.
  • AlarmSourceInfo: Allows to configure the alarm if there an error on ping.
  • Monitor: allows to monitor the connector for problems. Note: The implementation of the ping and the alarm functionality in the monitor is connector-specific.
    • Ping Enabled: enable pinging when there's a problem.
    • Ping Frequency: the frequency at which to ping
    • Alarm on Failure: enable alarms when there's a failure
    • Startup Alarm Delay: the delay to startup the alarm
  • LicenseMonitor: Component checking the license of the connector
  • Auto Provision: Create and manage devices automatically.
  • Use Data Retention : Enable data retention for this connector.
  • Data Retention Duration : The duration of the Data Retention.
  • Data Send Retry Duration : The amount of time to wait before retrying to send data.

 Advanced Config

  • DeviceTagsDestination: The destination where device tags will be sent during the initialization.
  • PointTagsDestination: The destination where point tags will be sent during the initialization.
  • PointStatusDestination: The destination where the point status message will be sent.
  • PointValueDestination: The destination where the point value message will be sent.
  • ReferenceDestination: The destination where the reference message will be sent.
  • AlarmDestination: The destination where the alarm messages will be sent via the alarm recipient associated to this connector.
  • ScheduleDestination: The destination where the schedule messages will be sent.
  • DefaultVariables: The default variables to be used by the messages template.
  • CustomVariables: Set of user defined variables to be used by the messages template.
  • PointStatusMessage Template: The status message template used to construct the message to be sent by the connector.
  • PointValueMessage Template: The value message template used to construct the message to be sent by the connector.
  • CommandsPolicy: The commands policy either single or multi message.
  • MessageType: The type of the message (Default: POINT_ACTION).
  • CommandSetObject: The json format that contains the commands if the command policy is multi message.
  • CommandDeviceId: The sformat path to extract the device id from the external  message.
  • CommandPointId: The sformat path to extract the point id from the external  message.
  • CommandAction: The sformat path to extract the command action from the external  message.
  • CommandValue: The sformat path to extract the value from the external  message.
  • CommandDuration: The sformat path to extract the command duration in seconds from the external  message.
  • StartDate: Start timestamp of the history (Optional).
  • EndDate: The end date for the history (Optional).
  • Delta: Apply a delta for the history (Default: false).
  • RollUp: Apply a rollup for the history (Optional).
  • HistoryMessageVariable: Set of predefined variables to use in the history message template.
  • HistoryMessageTemplate: The template message to use for the history message.
  • AlarmUUID: The sformat path to extract the uuid.
  • CommandScheduleId: The sformat path to extract the schedule id from the external message.
  • EventId:  The sformat path to extract the eventid from the external message. Will be used to target an event in update or delete commands
  • NewEventId: The sformat path to extract the eventid from the external message. Will be used to create the id of a new event (create command)
  • Weekday: The sformat path to extract the weekday from the external message.
  • StartTime: The sformat path to extract the startTime from the external message.
  • EndTime: The sformat path to extract the endTime from the external message.
  • InvalidValuePolicy: What to do when an invalid value detected.
  • InvalidStatusPolicy: Determines which out values will be filtered. Any point with a Status matching any Status in this slot won't be sent to the database.
  • JsonMessagePolicy: The policy to use for value that contains json text.
  • TagsInclude: Determines which tags will be included during the export of devices or points. If the value is "*", everything will be added.
  • TagsExclude: Determines which tags will be excluded during the export of devices or points. Will be ignored if tagsInclude is filled.


  • Ping : Ping the Service.

Fault Causes

  • Unable to connect : Check your connection data, correct them if needed and ping the Connector again