Tridium has decided to discontinue support for its SMS driver on their controllers. This measure takes effect at the end of July 2021. We have developed the module "rut-rt.jar" that allows for sending and acknowledging alarms via SMS using the Teltonika RUT 950 modem.

The module is an optional feature that requires a license. To obtain the license, please contact our sales department at the following email address: [email protected].

For the configuration of the RUT modem, please refer to the following article: RUT Modem Configuration.

This article explains how to install the module and use the various components to enable the sending of alarms via SMS and their acknowledgments.

For more information on the components of the "rut-rt.jar" module, please refer to this link.

Module Installation

To use this module, it is necessary to have purchased the btib license with the SMS option and have updated the license file in the host (SUP or Automate). Then, please follow the instructions below to install the module.

- Download the rut-rt.jar module from here.

- Copy the module to C:/Niagara/version-niagara/modules.

- Restart the workbench and the station, if applicable, to apply the new module.

- For a remote host, open Niagara, connect to the platform, and access the Module Management section (Software Manager) to install the rut-rt module.

- In the Palette sidebar, open the rut module palette.

Enabling Alarm Sending

Here is the procedure to set up alarm sending via SMS:

  1. Add the RutService component to the station's Services:

    • Verify that the "Enabled" property is set to true.

    • In the "Transport" property, enter the IP address of your RUT modem (

      2. Add the RutSmsController component to RutService:

    • Set the "Enabled" property to true to activate the component.

    • Choose the desired protocol for communication with the RUT modem (Http or Https).

    • Enter the corresponding Username and Password for the configuration in the modem. Refer to the document "RUT Modem Configuration", section "Enable SMS sending via HTTP request".

Attention: If the fault cause displays the message "RUT License not valid" (red square), it means that you need to update your "Btib.license" file. If the issue persists, please contact our sales department for further assistance.

Attention: When using the HTTPS protocol, the modem presents its certificate to establish the connection. It is therefore essential to approve it by accessing "services/platformServices/certManagerService" and approving the certificate in the Allowed Hosts tab if it is not directly recognized.

      3. Add the RutSmsRecipient component to the station's AlarmService

 - Link the Alarm slots of the alarmClass to the RouteAlarm slot of the RutSmsRecipient.

  • Verify that the "Enabled" property is set to true to activate the component.

  • Enter the recipient's phone number in the PhoneNumbers property. To enter multiple phone numbers, separate them with semicolons ";".

Enabling Alarm Acknowledgment via SMS

It is possible to acknowledge alarms via SMS by replying to the received SMS using the same number. Here's how to set up this feature.

  • Add the SmsAlarmAcknowledger to the RutSmsController within RutService.

  • Verify that the "Enabled" property is set to true to activate the component.

  • Set the "Ack Alarms From Same Source" property to true to acknowledge all alarms generated by the same source in a single SMS.

Note: The phone number used for sending an acknowledgment SMS must be entered in the "Cell Phone Number" property of a User within the UserService of the station. This user must have sufficient rights on the alarmClass of the station for the acknowledgment to be validated and accepted.