Before starting using btibGoogleIoTCore Connector you will have to create a Google Account. you can follow instructions with this link :

Cloud Setup

  1. Go to the google cloud console  and create a new project.

  2. Give it a name then hit create.

  3. Select your project from the list at the top.

  4. From the left panel select IoT Core (open the sandwich menu to show the left panel and scroll down a bit to "BigData" to find it)

  5. Then enable the service. You may need to add a payment method to enable the service. You can use our Credit Card (please keep it for yourself): 4845 4785 xxxx xxxx -> (smile)

6. Create a new registry.

7. Give your registry a name and select the region where the registry will be created.

8. Select or create a Pub/Sub topic where the devices/points telemetry data will be stored.

9. Give the topic a name and hit create.

10. Select or create a Pub/Sub topic (events for example) where the devices/points metadata data will be stored.

11. Give the topic a name (metadata for example) and hit create.

12. Finally verify that everything is good then hit create.

13. Now write down all this information we will use them later (have a look to the highlight below to know where to find the information)

Example based on the above Screenshot:

Registry id: testRegistry

Region: europe-west1

Project id: niagara-iot-test

14. Go to the left panel again and choose APIs & Services.

15. Go to the "Credentials" menu

16. Click on Create "Credentials" and select Service Account Key.

17. Select "New service account", fill-in the information and select "CloudIoT" -> "Cloud IoT Admin" then create the account key.

A json file will be downloaded save it somewhere safe. We'll reuse it later.

18. Download and install openssl from here: (if your already installed git-bash, openssl is bundled in it). You can download a 64bit version directly here:

If you install this exe, you will have to add it your path to use it. Open Windows > Environment variables > Search for "Path". Click on New and select the path to the bin folder of the open-ssl installation folder.

To check if it worked, open a terminal  (shift + click right in windows explore → Open command window here) and type openssl, it should recognize the command.

19. Once openssl is set up, open a terminal and type this commands to generate a public/private keys.

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout rsa_private.pem -nodes -days 36500 -out rsa_cert.pem -subj "/CN=unused"


openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in rsa_private.pem -nocrypt > rsa_private_pkcs8

These commands will generate 3 files we will need 2 of them:

  • rsa_cert.pem.
  • rsa_private_pkcs8.

Now you have all the information we need let's go the next step.

Next Step

Step 2 Set up IoT Core connector for devices, points and references