
The BooleanToTrigger component is used to trigger a topic when a change is made to one of its entries. It thus makes it easy to create actions from a rising edge for example (without retriggering it on a falling edge).

It also prevents the topic from being retriggered directly after its activation by defining a "timeout" period during which it cannot be triggered, even if there are changes to its entries.

Since the 47.2, the last change is recorded. If the next change is the same, it won't trigger the topic.
example: If the in_1 slot, the last change was a rising edge, a rising edge on in_2 won't trigger the topic.


  • Copy / paste the BooleanToTrigger component into a WireSheet
  • Set the desired number of entries from the "SetlnputCountValue" action
  • Link the properties of the Boolean values to be monitored to the InX properties of the component
  • Set the timeout period from the "MinUpdateTime" slot
  • Define the state changes that the BooleanToTrigger must take into account from the FireChangeOnState property



  • MinUpdateTime: Sets the minimum time delay between two activations of the BooleanChanged topic
  • FireChangeOnState {To Active, To Inactive, Both}: Defines the InX state changes to take into account (ToActive corresponds to a rising edge, Tolnactive to a falling edge, and Both means the two are taken into account).
  • InputCount: The number of inputs managed by the component
  • ln_X: dynamically created slots to connect the monitored points



  • SetlnputCountValue: Sets the number of entries to handle in the BooleanToTrigger component. Adds or deletes StatusBoolean in_X slots.



  • BooleanChanged : Triggered on the occurrence of a state change on one of the ln_X inputs that meets the FireChangeOnState condition. The minimum time between two triggers is set by the MinUpdateTime.