
The CustomLeadLagRuntime component is a variation of the kitControl > HVAC > LeadLagRuntime object that allows the management of twinned 1/2 or 2/3 commands (typically for circulation pump groups) with one default input per control output rather than one general feedback input.



  • Copy / paste the component into a WireSheet
  • Choose the number of commands from the "Output Count" property (2: control one pump out of two, 3: control two pumps out of three)
  • Link the In slot to the general runtime control
  • Link the Out X outputs to the physical output control objects (typically BooleanWritable)
  • Link the Default X inputs to the default states of the corresponding controls
  • Link the X Runtime inputs to the runtime values of the control status feedbacks (represented by BooleanWritable with DiscreteTotalizerExt extension)


  • LeadLagRuntime: Most properties of the LeadLagRuntime object of the kitControl module work as before except for those described below.
  • OutputCount: Specifies the number of outputs from the block, 2 or 3.

          If the value 2 is chosen, one pump out of two is running if the general control In is true.

          If the value 3 is chosen, two pumps out of three are running if the general control In is true.

  • MaxRuntime: Defines the time interval where the runtimes will be tested to execute a possible rotation of the controls.

          If the value of MaxRuntime is zero, the runtimes are never checked and there is therefore no rotation as long as the general control In is true (however, if this stops and returns to true, the control having the lowest runtime is executed)

  • Default X: Rather than having a single general feedback input for the object, the CustomLeadLagRuntime component has one fault entry per control.

          The program considers that there is an alarm on the DefaultX input if its value is true or the status of the input shows an alarm.

          In the event of an alarm, the status of the corresponding control output enters into alarm (but no alarm notification is generated).

  • Runtime X: As a reminder, when the Jace is restarted, the control with the lowest runtime is activated (provided the general control In is true and there is no fault).

          If OutputCount is 3, the system tries to order the previous output to the active output.