
Facets are a collection of key / value used to annotate Slots (the properties are the Slots), or just to provide additional metadata.

Below we list just the keys and their associated types that are managed on the Active views.




  • multiLine: [Boolean] Allows you to write multi-line text.
  • fieldWidth: [Integer] Sets the size of the text field.


  • min: [Double | Float | Integer | Long] Sets the minimum value.
  • max: [Double | Float | Integer | Long] Sets the maximum value.
  • precision: [Integer] Specifies the number of digits to display after the decimal point.
  • units: [Unit] Specifies the unit to display.
  • showUnits: [Boolean] If units is set, defines whether or not to display the unit. If not set the value is true by default.


  • trueText: [String] Replaces the default text for the value "true".
  • falseText: [String] Replaces the default text for the value "false" .


  • range: [EnumRange] Sets the values to list. The listing can be either an existing list or a custom list.