
The MutliPointsResetExt extension is used to apply a settable function to the value of a point to calculate the output value. The extension has an interactive view to easily define the curve profile to apply. It is generally used for water laws.


  • Drag and drop the extension into a numeric point.
  • On the view:
    • Click once to create a point. If a point already exists on the same X coordinate, the new point will not be created.
    • Double-click on an existing point to delete it.
    • To move a point, click and hold on the point and move it to the workspace. A point cannot be placed more to the left than the point that precedes it, and no more to the right than the point that follows it on the X axis.
    • Save the view so that the points are saved in the station.
    • A crosshairs appears with the value of the calculated output in real time.

The points define the function applied to calculate the output. A linear interpolation between the two nearest points on the x-axis is performed.


Screenshot of the MultiPointsResetExt property sheet


Screenshot of the MultiPointsResetExt points setup view


Extension Properties

  • Status: Indicates the status of the extension ("ok" or "fault")
  • FaultCause: Indicates the nature of the fault when the extension is in the "fault" state. This can happen in the following cases:
    • If XMin is greater than XMax.
    • If YMin is greater than YMax.
    • If a point has an X coordinate greater than XMax or less than XMin.
    • If a point has a Y coordinate greater than YMax or less than YMin.
    • If two or more points have the same value on the x-axis. There can be only one point for a given x.
    • ProfileTitle: The title of the curve profile can be modified by the user.
    • LivePointTitle: The title of the point is updated in real time.
    • DefaultProfileTitle: The title of the default curve profile
    • XTitle: The title of the X axis.
    • YTitle: The title of the Y axis.
    • XMin: The minimum value allowed on the X axis.
    • XMax: The maximum value allowed on the X axis.
    • YMin: The minimum value allowed on the Y axis.
    • YMax: The maximum value allowed on the Y axis.
    • XFacets: The unit of the X axis (added automatically to the XTitle)
    • YFacets: The unit of the Y axis (added automatically to the YTitle)
    • DefaultProfile: A component used to create a default curve profile, visible but not editable from the view, on which it is possible to re-initialize the curve modified by the user. To add points, right-click on the component and launch the setPointCount() action that works in the same way as the extension.

Advanced configuration properties

  • AllowPointCreation: Enables or disables the creation and deletion of points from the view.
  • AllowXTranslation: Enables or disables the movement of X-axis points from the view.


Extension actions

  • setPointCount: Creates as many points as the number entered in the input field that appears when the action is launched. Note that if the extension already has a point, entering 2 in the input field will only create 1. And entering 0 will remove all existing points in the extension. By default, all the points created by this action will have coordinates of (0;0), the extension will generate an error, and the points will have to be modified.
  • ResetToDefaultProfile: Resets the curve profile of the extension to the default profile.

DefaultProfile action

  • setPointCount: Action identical to the parent component.

Specific case:

Tablet and phone:

On tablet and phone, point removal is a bit more difficult. There is a button "Delete mode enabled" to facilitate this task. When the mode is activated, just touch a point to delete it. By default this mode is "false" and changes to "true" by pressing the button.