
The Node component represents a physical entity (e.g.: floor 1 of building A located in city X) or a category of entities (e.g. ACU, HVAC). The Node is contained in a NodeDefinition.


There are several ways to add a Node to the station:

  • Via the NodeCreator, view located on the aspect
  • Via the NodeManager, view located on a NodeDefinition
  • Via the palette, dragging and dropping the component into a definition
  • Via additional tools (btibConnect, etc.).

If you have not used the NodeCreator, initialize the Node by clicking on the manager button or by right clicking -> action -> init

Important points to know about the name and the id of a Node

  • Its name must be unique in a station in order to avoid conflicts. Example: it is advisable to have a different name for the Node "Floor 1" of the Node "Building A" and the Node "Floor 1" of the Node "Building B". Since "Floor 1" is the displayName, it may be the same.
  • The id of a Node must be unique throughout a project (multi-stations). Indeed, as the Nodes are propagated automatically from one station to another, a Node must be uniquely identified throughout several stations. This is the role of its id. Example: The Node "Floor 1" of Node "Building A" can be located in two different JACEs and have a different name; its common id makes it possible to identify that it is in fact the same Node.
  • The DisplayName can be changed without a problem (and be duplicated).

When a Node is automatically created (by the NodeCreator for example):

  • A unique name of 6 characters is generated for it in the station.
  • Its id is also uniquely initialized.



  • Status: Node status. Can be {ok}, {fault}, {disabled} or {null}. See the corresponding actions
  • FaultCause: Message that complements the state of the Node (generally used to explain the reason for an initialization failure).
  • DisplayedName: Display name of the Node. It is recommended that this be used instead of the "Set Display Name" command.
  • Description: Description of the Node.
  • id: Unique identifier of a Node to identify that it is the same Node between two stations.
  • TranslationKey: Translated DisplayName of this Node. Allows the use of SFormat to target a lexicon for example.
  • SourceStation: The name of the station from which the Node comes from.
  • SyncOriginOrd: Ord leading to the original Node.
  • b:nodeCount: Number of Nodes which are linked to the Node with an isIn/has Relation. This tag is generated/updated on the Node initialization or if an InfoSource is assigned to it.
  • b:sourceCount: Number of Sources which are assigned to this Node. This tag is generated/updated on the Node initialization or if an InfoSource is assigned to it.


  • Initialize: Initializes the Node and all its children (add-ons) and descendants (Nodes linked in OUT by an isln relation). The Node can change to {ok}, or {fault} if initialization fails.
  • Disable: Disables the Node and all of its children and descendants. Changes the status of the Node to {disabled}. This will delete all the tags in which it appears. This action is reversible by reluanching the initialization.
  • Clean: Cleans the Node and all of its children and descendants. The state of the Node changes to {null}. This action is irreversible and must be launched before permanently deleting a definition (it allows all references to this Node to be cleanly deleted)
  • Resetld: Reinitializes the id of the Node.
  • Synchronize: Propagates the Node to the stations in the NiagaraNetwork.