
The StatusStringToStatusEnum component is used to convert text to a list value.



The entry must be linked to a text that must match an item in the list defined in the facets. The input value can take 3 forms to define the element:

  • Its display name (allowing special characters)
  • Its name (with special characters encoded)
  • Its ordinal

If the input value does not match any element of the list, then the component registers a fault.

However, if no facets are configured, if the input value corresponds to a numeric value, the enum takes the corresponding ordinal.




  • Facets: Configures the elements of the list
  • Out: StatusEnum output Slot. Takes the value of the input string element.
  • PropagateFlags: Choose the states to propagate to the output Out
  • In: Input Slot to link to the string to convert.


Considering an enum with the following elements:


  • 0 - On
  • 1 - Auto
  • 2 - Stopped


If the input value is "0" or "On" then the output of the enum will be set to "On".