It's very common to use the BOS API to change some values such as setpoints.

You have several options to do so:

Option1: Change the value of a specific setpoint from its unique id

Let's consider we retrieved from a previous query the temperature setpoint of VayanData office with this unique id: "O0SQ3zJ632CG1B5T9nDbf". We will be using the Operate endpoint.

POST {{base-api-url}}/v1/operate/points/:id

We will pass the id in the endpoint and include this body to ask for a change to 28°C: 

    "action": "set",
    "value": 28

This is what it looks like:

If we want to check whether the value was applied, we can use the same query but with a GET this time:

GET {{base-api-url}}/v1/operate/points/:id

Hmm it doesn't seem it worked well... The value is still at 30.0. What happened?

If you have a look at the status field, you will notice "@ 10". It means that in the BOS, something is writing at a higher level than us. We need to override the value by using the "Override" action and by providing a duration (in milliseconds)

    "action": "override",
    "value": 28,
    "duration": 300000

Let's see if it worked:

We are writing at a higher level "@ 8".

We could also use the "emergencyOverride" action without providing any duration. (level "@ 2").

So depending on your strategy you will prefer to use a temporary override or an infinite override.


Option2: Change all setpoints matching a query

Let's change all temperature setpoints related to a Fan Coil Unit from VayanData's office. We change the endpoint to /operate/points (with a s) as we will be targeting multiple data points.

POST {{base-api-url}}/v1/operate/points

In the body, we inject a query based on tags from data models. See Linksper data models for more information.

    "query": "b:pointType='Setpoint' and b:dimension='Temperature' and b:equipmentType='Fan Coil Unit'",
    "action": "override",
    "value": 27,
    "duration": "10000"

Let's send the query. The returned values are given before the value change.

And if we check now the values using the same query injected as a parameter:

GET {{base-api-url}}/v1/operate/points?query=b:pointType='Setpoint' and b:dimension='Temperature' and b:equipmentType='Fan Coil Unit'&fields=slotPathOrd

All Setpoints were changed 

Using queries, there are infinite ways to target datapoints, you can play with the location, the type of equipment, type of data points etc.