
You can use the Excel file to add alarm extensions to a point and set its properties.

The system creates (a value in the column "model" is then mandatory) or updates (a value in the column "name" is then mandatory) an alarm extension.

You can create an extension

You can wrap both into variables.


In the following example,

Create/Update an alarm extension




This is the model used in the templates folder for the BooleanCommandFailure extension.The alarm.bog is located in your User Home in the shared/excel/templates folder

SInce the 46.17, the "alarm/" prefix is not needed anymore to target a component in the alarm.bog

Columns syntax

Create a column named "Alarm" on the first line. Then you can define those following subcolumns

Accepted values

The variables defined for alarm extensions in ~Variables Sheet of default config files are special.
Example: the alarm:OutOfRangeAlarmExt associated to $OutOfRange variable is not really a Niagara TypeSpec but a kind of shortcut.
We use this to be able to define the alarm extension and to set offnormal and fault algorithms (in a similar way of what can be done with vykonProUtil module which can not be done with ProgramService)


For an OutOfRange offnormal algorithm, if there is a highLimit value or a lowLimit value, the associated limit will be enabled.

If specified alarmClass doesn't exist, import will create it in AlarmService

Create an Alarm Extension

The model used to create the extension will be stored inside an “excelTemplate” slot. Therefore, the system knows how the extension was created when you do an export.

Change the type of an existing Alarm Extension

If the value in the model cell is different from the value previously saved in the alarm extension, the extension will be deleted and a new one with the desired type will be created.

Be careful with the model value,

  • ANY DIFFERENCE between the cell and the saved value will trigger the change. All the previous slot values will be lost.
  • if the sub component was not created using excel, importing the sub component with a model value will change the type the sub component in the station. Again, the previous slot values will be lost.


The lowLimit, lowLimitText, highLimit, highLimitText will only be exported if the associated limit is enabled

If they’re absent, some SubColumns will be added under certain circumstances:

If there is at least one Alarm Column and a component has more alarm extensions than available alarm columns, new Alarm Columns will be created


You have only one Alarm Column in your destination file and one of your exported components has more than one alarm extension. A new Alarm Column with the same subColumns as the first AlarmColumn will be added.

Try it yourself !

Here is the file used in the above import example. Download it, try importing it and see the result.

For the 7th line, you will need to add an OutOfRangeAlarmExt named OutOfRange in the alarm template

For the 8th line, you will need to add a BooleanCommandFailureAlarmExt named myBooleanCommandFailureAlarmExt in ModbusClientNumericWritable (import the file, add the alarm and import again to see the update in the alarm extension)


Play a bit with it:
