MQTT Connector supports broker to niagara communication via mqtt messages to control points remotely.

Send a point action command

  1. Go to the Mqtt Explorer application then choose the topic of the device you want to send commands to.

    You can change the command topic name in the connector configuration.

  2. By default we use this message template for POINT_ACTION  command. but you can use any format that meets your needs. check the connector advanced settings.
    1. This is the default command template.

      	"type": "POINT_ACTION",
      	"deviceId": "AHU_01_u0SAYCUHda9VUZ5h5Z7nR",
      	"pointId": "Setpoint_v0SAYCUEtoUyS3P0df5kd",
      	"payload": {
      		"action": "SET",
      		"value": 11

    2. This is the default connector point action command configuration.

  3. Hit publish.

  4. On the niagara you should see the point value applied successfully.

  5. And the new value sent to the broker.

Send a send history command

You can pull historical value for any point that has a history associated by sending a SEND_HISTORY command.

  1. Add a history. extension to the point.

  2. Go to the mqtt application and send the command to the device.

  3. By default we use this message template for send history command. but you can use any format that meets your needs. check the connector advanced settings.
    1. This is the default command template.

      	"type": "SEND_HISTORY",
      	"deviceId": "AHU_01_u0SAYCUHda9VUZ5h5Z7nR",
      	"pointId": "Setpoint_v0SAYCUEtoUyS3P0df5kd",
      	"payload": {
      		"startDate": "2020-10-20T00:40:00.000+02:00",
      		"endDate": "2020-10-20T23:50:00.000+02:00"

    2. This is the default connector send history command configuration.

  4. And you should see the messages being sent.

    To change the message format check the connector advanced setting then history message template

Send ack alarm command

You can ack alarms by sending an ACK_ALARM command to any alarm recipient device.

  1. By default we use this message template for ack alarm command. but you can use any format that meets your needs. check the connector advanced settings.
    1. This is the default command template.

      	"type": "ACK_ALARM",
      	"payload": {
      		"uuid": "c9f53c0d-94f4-4f48-a4af-e22b98ea9a9c"

    2. This is the default connector send history command configuration.

  2. Go the alarms console and pick an unacked alarm id.

  3. Go to the alarm device and send the command.

  4. Go back to the console and you should see that the alarm has been acked.