Set up your environment

Considering you already have your own Niagara module. Now you want to create a new connector to import the model from an external service.

You have to import the Active Framework modules needed in the gradle file of your own module: 

niagaraModule {
  preferredSymbol = "modelDemo"
  moduleName = "modelDemo"
  runtimeProfile = "rt"

dependencies {
  compile "Tridium:baja:4.6"
  compile "Tridium:nre:4.6"
  compile "BTIB:btibCore-rt:46"
  compile "BTIB:btibStructure-rt:46"
  compile "BTIB:btibConnector-rt:46"

The content you need from each module is:

Understand the Niagara configuration

In Niagara, the components interact as following:

Understand the class architecture

Now let's see how to implement your connector and your importer.