
The RestScheduleImportToReference creates SpecialEvents in a schedule by reading from an API. It will create only the current or future events in the schedule.
This component is very similar to the RestScheduleImportExt, but you can select to import your special events to any schedule in the station (and not only the parent schedule).
Another difference is how existing special events are treated on an import:




Since the 51.0.2, it is possible to import events which date and time are in separate values in the json.
To do so, put the date selector, a semicolon and the time selector in the start and endDate selectors. 
The component will solve the selectors and the semicolon will be replaced by a space.
Your date format will need to match the result of the resolved selectors.

If you have a Json with the following content
  "startDate": "2023-07-17",
  "endDate": "2023-07-17",
  "startTime": "08:00",
  "endTime": "16:00",

to import it you will need the following configuration:
dateFormat=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm