
The SmartAnd is a BooleanPoint with an extension, the SmartAndExt, which applies an AND function to the Boolean values of multiple points. The SmartAndExt also performs the synthesis of their states. The components taken into account by the SmartAnd are as follows:

The extension calculates the boolean resulting from the values of the valid points and then returns the result to the BooleanPoint in which it is located. The SmartAndExt is a variation of the SmartStatusExt, which means that it performs the same job on the states as the SmartStatusExt.

In the case of a SmartAnd, the out slot of the BooleanPoint parent will therefore contain the resulting Boolean value of an AND function on the values of the valid points and the state resulting from the synthesis of all the states of the incoming points.


Refer to the SmartOperator section for general description.

To use the extension in an existing point, copy and paste the SmartAndExt extension in the SmartAnd into a BooleanPoint.


The properties of the extension are the same as those of the SmartStatusExt.

The properties of the parent point are the same as those of the SmartStatusExt parent. However, two slots differ in type and content:


The SmartAndExt actions are the same as those of the SmartStatusExt.