Concept of an alarm

An alarm is an event created in Niagara when an anomaly is detected by the system: exceeding a threshold, discordance...

An alarm follows a precise flow: 3 times are to be noted: offnormalTime, normalTime and ackTime

An alarm has a unique identifier called « uuid  »

Outbound alarms

There is a dedicated Alarm Recipient to send alarm updates to a third party for every connector.

When an Alarm Class receives a new alarm event (creation or modification), a payload is built and sent to the third party.

Alarm acknowledgment

The return to normal of a point is an internal process of the system because it depends on the point. Acknowledging an alarm, on the other hand, is a user action. Niagara has built-in alarm consoles to perform this operation.

But this action can also be done by a third party system using connectors. The system is similar to sending a command to a point (the syntax of the message will be slightly different).