It is also possible to send a batch of commands.
Any of the previous commands can be sent together regardless of the command type

This is an example config for multi commands requests.
The multiple command Json consist of a JsonObject with a single key ("commands" in the example) which value is a JsonArray of Single Commands.

		 	"type": "POINT_ACTION",
            "deviceId": "SHGBVYHDVHYyGhSYGVYAPagsYT",
            "pointId": "p1",
            "payload": {
                "action": "<action>", // SET, AUTO...   
                "value": <value to be set>,
                "duration": <override duration> // for override only
		 	"type": "POINT_ACTION",
            "deviceId": "SHGBVYHDVHYyGhSYGVYAPagsYT",
            "pointId": "p2",
            "payload": {
                "action": "<action>", // SET, AUTO...   
                "value": <value to be set>,
                "duration": <override duration> // for override only

To handle multiple commands, some modifications are required in the Connector Advanced Config:

  • The CommandsPolicy must be set to MultiPointCommand 
  • The CommandSetObject must target the correct key and extract the JsonArray using the jsonArray SFormat method

This is the corresponding configuration