The Workbench command "Batch inheritance" allows several sources to inherit from one source in a single command.

A permission in "AdminWrite" is necessary on the BtibService to be able to use this tool.

To do this:

  • Select several sources in Niagara (source, not the InfoSource)
  • Right-click and click BatchInheritance in the context menu
  • A window will open.



The window has 3 sections:

  • Inherit from: Selection of the supersource from which all the selected sources should inherit. If the desired source does not appear in the list, click on the folder and select it in the displayed tree.
  • Aspect(s): Selection of the aspect(s) which the selected sources should inherit. The assignments of the supersource selected on each aspect are then displayed.
  • Settings: Creates an InfoSource in the selected sources if none exists.

In the example below, the sources will inherit the geographical aspect of the AHU

Click on OK to confirm.