The time series connector sdk is a set of connectors and apis for exporting niagara data (histories, alarms, ...) to external destination databases.

The SDK offers an interface for developers to implement there own exporters for any data destination.


This is a basic diagram the represents the architecture of the time series connectors.


  • Connector: this is the component responsible for establishing, reformatting and exporting data to the external destination.
  • Exporter: this is a data flow block component responsible for collecting data and uses the connector for the export.

Class Hierarchy


  • BITimeseriesConnector: This interface provides an api to other component using the connector such as the exporter block.
  • BTimeseriesConnector: It's the abstraction that implement the interface, it contains the common boilerplate code and provide template methods for the children to implement.


  • BTimeSeriesBlock: The abstraction for the exporter, it provides APIs for integrating with dialog flow strategies.

to implement a new connector you have to inherit from these classes.