The connector can request a point to send records from its HistoryExtension to the Service.


You must target an existing Device with a DeviceExt through the deviceId and an existing Point with a PointExt through the pointId. Only the first historyExtension of the point will be taken into account.
The batchSize allows to send the histories by batches of the given size. You can leave it a one to send each record in a separate message, but it is heavily recommended to batch it if you have a lot of records to send.

    "type": "SEND_HISTORY",
    "deviceId": "SHGBVYHDVHYyGhSYGVYAPagsYT",
    "pointId": "Shjshy",
    "payload": {
        "startDate": "<start date>",    
        "endDate": "<endDate>",
        "delta": <true/false>,
        "rollup": "5m" // Niagara rollup enum
		"batchSize": <integer value between 1 and 1000>

The way that the different values are extracted from the Json can be changed in the connector advanced config.

See Histories to change the format of the exported messages.