Sends the point's status.


You must setup a RealTimeConnector, a parent Device with a DeviceExt and a Point with a PointExt.
The point's status is sent automatically during the initialization or when the status changes. You can also initialize it through the "Initialize" action.
The destination is specified in the connector's advanced config. 

    "pointId": "CO2_T0SCdEIqiqTjqtGyrfGZj",
    "timestamp": "2020-10-07T01:12:41.861+02:00",
    "value": 725,
    "status": "{ok}" 

The template is configurable in the connector advanced config.

By default, the status and value messages are the same, so it might seem like you have duplicate message sent. Feel free to change the templates, or set the point status destination to another topic (or not monitor it at all)